Friday, January 24, 2014

Ode to Schwanns

This post is not intended to shock or dismay the gentle readers... however:
There is no need for Schwanns here in beautiful Boquete.

No. Please do not run. Do not panic. It is really okay. Because the wonderful people of Panama have taken it upon themselves to do the work for you. Now... It's not the frozen, prepared food that you can just pop into your microwave or dump into a boiling pot. No. This is prepared by the Creator Himself. And brought straight to you by loving Panamanian locals... for a small fee. 

Really, it's quite wonderful. However, we were not warned about this wonderful provision. So the first day I heard then come through the neighborhood I wasn't sure if I should hit the deck or run and hide. It sounded like the policia were streaming into the neighborhood... I thought it was a lock-down or they were looking for escaped prisoners.... or worse : Gringos!!!

banana, papaya, sandia, fruta de la passion, pina, naranjas, limones, tomate de arboles
Gracias, Jehova

Thursday, January 23, 2014

We like-a Gualaca

The Gualaca River Canyon in Panama is a marvel of Jehovah's creation. It's beautiful, fun, serene and it's still free. The local families and young people frequent this spot; and watching the young ones fly around play tag and then dive off the edge at breakneck speeds was breath-taking. At one point they were flying around us like those flying fish that leap out of the water (except that they were leaping in, not out) There were times when they would just miss one another or even land right next to someone, but there were no accidents. Their timing was impeccable. The fish in the river also seem to enjoy themselves and have a symbiotic relationship with the swimmers. However, I'm not sure if the swimmers would agree. Every now and then I would hear one of the friends yelp as one of the fish gently nibbled. I'm sure it was just surprising. And I'm sure it was gentle.

The river in this section is quite deep and therefore fairly safe for diving and jumping. At least that's what Carlo told me. I believed him, because the alternative was to spend the whole time terrified. It really is a relaxing area. I saw many lizards: the kind that run on their back legs. They have really long tails to stabilize themselves. Unfortunately, they were so quick that I could never catch them on the run. There were also very large water spiders, but they seemed distressed over the people and moved on whenever anyone was too close. 

We didn't see any snakes. whewww

That's Carlo and Whitney doing somersaults!!!

Alyvia pushed her sister Aribey. Lawson pushed Alyvia in. Then Alex pushed Lawson in.


We were very hungry... the boys tried their hand at fishing!

We took 3 carloads to the river. In the States we would probably have needed 5 cars.
But things are done a little differently here. : ) 

Monday, January 20, 2014

La Feria de las Flors en Boquete

La Feria de las Flors is not a fair to be taken lightly. This is a major event in Panama. People & vendors stream to Boquete... pouring out of buses and taxis; flooding the area with color, sound and energy. Boquete literally swells in population for ten days. The vendors pop up along the streets in the square leading to the fair. Vendors with items such as: winter hats, scarfs, gloves, wraps, sunglasses, and various candies and treats. There are flower and plant booths, and booths that sell various food items. Throughout the day you will hear a variety of music.. and throughout the night, as well! And this is all before you make it into the fair. 

Once in the fair, you are led right into the vendor area. Again, the same items... including headbands, hammocks, hats of all styles, and trinkets from many Central and South American Countries. 

It is exactly the same as you would find at any fair in any county in the United States. Except that it's more fun to communicate. Plus I got to sit on a bull named Nino, and I'm not sure how OSHA would have felt about that! The colors are amazing. (One year we were at the California State Fair and the main exhibit was for the food and wine theme. The exhibitors went all out with the flowers.) I really like it here because the flowers are already everywhere, so the fair is an enhancement of the existing state. 

this is an advertising van that drives through the streets

This is Juan Carlos and his daughter Dianna. They are from Panama City (Diana goes to school in Columbia)  and really enjoyed talking about the Bible. 
We were able to make a return visit.

This is not a butterfly... it is a plant that grows among the flowers.
butterfly for real

we look like little kids!
The people from other parts of the country are freezing.

This is Ivy. She makes jewelry and hair accessories from fish scales.
It is a traditional method.

Outside the fair entrance. This man will take your picture while his horse eats all of the flowers. Might be why they don't let him inside. 

It's so beautiful. This is where the friends had the Assembly this year.

This is Sylvia Robinson. She's a sister who's recently moved here from California/Arizona. She lives right near us and joins us for family worship. She's a real kick. I'm not sure if she's giving this man the "what-for" or a good witness!

This is Nino (small boy) the bull. I didn't realize it was a bull until after. He kept threatening to stand up! It was very hard to appear ladylike. I ended up trying "side-saddle"

But Then I was able to place a tract with him. It was awesome. He was very grateful. And while I was talking to him, a lady grabs my arm. I thought I was taking too long and she wanted the man's attention... but NO! SHE WANTED A TRACT FOR HERSELF!! She said the Bible is very important. So I was able to direct her to the website, where she will find alot more wonderful information about the promises in the Bible. 

This is a return visit with Ivy. She speaks excellent English and really enjoyed the tract I had left her. Her mother speaks broken English, but understands English really well. We had a great conversation and she told her mother she had a new friend now. We've exchanged email and phone numbers. I look forward to hearing more from her. Maybe I can have an internet study. She lives in David... 45 minutes from here. There are plenty of friends in English down there. 
While I was talking to Ivy the lady at the next table got very excited, but she didn't speak any English. As it turns out ... she is a sister named Rosa from the San Pedro Spanish Congregation. Really sweet.