Thursday, July 24, 2014

WOW! I think I heard the angels sing again!!!

This is not my story... I was a withness.
One of the reasons we came to Panama is because our friends, Bob and Cynthia from Arizona, were going to be here. So we thought it would be a great idea to meet Panama and see our friends. As it turns out, we never did see them. They were far and none of had vehicles. BUT they emailed us to let us know that their friends from Arizona had moved to Panama, and were looking for a place to land. We said that we would help in any way we could. Our lovely friend, Sylvia let them stay with her.

So when they arrived we proceeded to grill them on their needs. They were trying to determine where Jehovah wanted them to serve, and since all of the congregations have some sort of a need, and sometimes that need is not readily evident, they made their prayers to Jehovah VERY specific. Wait till you see....

Our friends came on Thursday afternoon 3ish. They had already made an appointment with a realtor to see a house. And then they were going to leave on Friday. Not much time to find a house. In Boquete. In high-season. 
And, of course, who do we know????? How can we help???? Well, we thought of one of my RV's and he, of course, manages some rental homes. So we started there. But that meant that Frank and Darlene would have to stay another day. No problem, they said. No problem, Sylvia said.
We started at one apartment which would be great... except that he'd already rented it. Then on a whim he took us up to the "compound". I always thought he meant some sort of religious thing when he said that! But no... it really was a group of houses behind a gated fence. (which was one of their requirements) So we pass a cute little bungalow and go to a house kind of duplex thing. It was cute, small, really messy... And there was something missing (but I can't quite remember what - Darlene had a lot of specifics in her prayer.) Then we go around back to the "loft" apartment. It was okay, but there really was no place to hang a hammock. (????!!!!!!) Really? yes... it was one of her requirements.
So, they go meet the landlord. Frank speaks fluent Spanish (he was raised in a Spanish speaking family) and he and the landlord just hit it off. And they love Darlene (you would too!) So they say... "we don't have the key to the bungalow, but it will be available on the 1st. You can look through the windows". So we go look. They peek through the windows. Darlene starts gesturing and smiling. Carl and I walk around to the side of the house and my mouth drops open... There - in front of me - is the best outdoor area I've seen in Boquete. A barred in, gated, outdoor area ..... WITH A HAMMOCK! NO WAY!!!  You won't believe me.... I know it. But it's true. They signed the papers without even seeing the inside fully. The time it was available was exactly what they wanted. The price was exactly what they needed. The inside... the outside... the gates... the security ...  
Jehovah truly answers our specific prayers. He doesn't have to.. but He knows that we are listening and sometimes we need assurance for our decisions. I learned a lot on the last bit in Boquete.


  1. Sequel to the Montez story. More Blessings...It, the house with the many requirements including hamaca, locations, bedrooms and how much they wanted to pay for rent is Rent Free!

  2. "Rent Free!" Tell us more. Robert and Cynthia Lane

  3. The "compound" is indeed that with three witness families living there. Also, within a few blocks 5 other witness families and the Kingdom Hall close walking distance.
