Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Here we Go .... Hey! Hey! Hey!


 My precious daughter and her (now) husband gave us a beautiful "Welcome Home"!
It really was a surprise... and a very welcome one. We were very happy to be back.
(Even if the weather would prove to be very challenging - physically and mentally)

Then: We had a wedding to plan!
(and a lot of chaperoning.... that is very tiring!)


They were engaged on our trip to New York. It was supposed to be a "mommy/daughter" trip! hahahahaha
But it turned out really nice. Carl and Corey drove down separately.
And Emma and I got to go wedding shopping.
We toured two of the Bethel locations, Brooklyn (engaged) and Wallkill. Had the best tours! 



The Circuit Assembly in Montreal was a wonderful time. Colebrook Congregation had the school! yayyyyy I won't spend too much time on this because if will embarrass my dear new brother and sister. But suffice it to say: We were thrilled to have two new additions to our Colebrook (and Probasco/Sleeper) family!



The wedding was a beautiful affair. The weather was perfect, the flowers were all in bloom.
The venue was great: The Round Barn in some place I can't even remember now!
It was small and intimate and perfect. Even if wasn't two people that I love ... and I'm a little parital, it was the best wedding ever. Really. But I don't have a lot of pics, still, so you'll just have to trust me.
Karen did Emma's hair (and mine, too), and Emma looked so beautiful.
But she could have worn her hair in a shower cap and would still be lovely! 
Susan and Faye were such great supporters. The love was abounding.
And Ron's talk was terrific. There were some non-believers who were given a spectacular witness.
So the wedding was absolutely wonderful and rang out with glory to Jehovah.







 And then we left!
Watch out!

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