Friday, December 13, 2013

Learning to be Yielding

As you can imagine, things are always subject to change. Our gracious God Jehovah has taught us, in a marvelous way, how to be flexible. Or so I thought. I see He has much more to teach us in that area.
As most of you know, we are financing this trip by teaching English online. that's awesome, and we are so grateful to have the opportunity to use skills that Jehovah has been teaching us. Jehovah's people make the best teachers. However, we become reliant on the internet and it's not always reliable. Sometimes the problem is very obviously on the end of our students. However, sometimes the problem is very obviously on our side. We knew this already from our miniscule internet service at home.
So, here we actually have access to good internet. I'm not sure the speed because I cannot decipher that in Spanish. But it's good. Unless you're far from the source in the house. In the house we are in, I, in our room, have decent service. Carl was using a vacant room, right next to our room and he had to be right next to the door, with the door open. And the sound just travels through the house. But we were working with it. Unfortunately for us, but good for the Kemkaren's, someone is now interested in that room. What will we do? Where will Carl teach? This is the only means of making money. Would we be able to stay?
So Dave and Carl hunted around. He really can't teach outside because of the bugs. I guess he could in a pinch, but I should say, that is really a last resort. So where?

He gets better service there than anywhere else. heehee

1 comment:

  1. we miss u both,.but looks like u r having a good time.i love reading your blogs. ;)
