Saturday, December 28, 2013

Wild Goose Chase

Here's a funny Story.
This territory is fun. It's a lot of searching for English speakers, and right now there are a fair amount of brothers and sisters doing the search work. That being said, we have to be creative sometimes in order to find new people without stepping on each other.
We were out in service with the darling Langston's... love them! And Sheryl says that she's been wanting to check out this one area in the territory that we're working that has sign:
We assume that a lot English speakers would shop here because the sign appears to be in English. Maybe it's a produce shop or vegetable market, etc. So off we go up this lovely dirt, winding, bumpy road. It's really pretty with orange groves on either side and even some sugar cane fields.
Then we meet some vacalleros (real cowboys) who promise us that the VeggieFresh is right up the road. Well, we've gone this far... why turn back now??? So we keep bumping along. It is not even close to being "right up the road".


And we keep bumping along.

When we finally get there... Steve is not impressed. It is not a quaint little veggie stand, it is not a lovely farm market and it has not got one single solitary English speaker any where in sight. It is actually a distribution center for bell peppers.

But the guard was really nice. We couldn't take a tour because the boss lady wasn't there..... BUT SHE SPEAKS ENGLISH and Sheryl got her phone number. Can't wait to hear what wonderful thing happens. It was a fun ride and we had a good laugh.
The friends here leave no stone unturned. I really appreciate that. I would say that they truly "fully accomplish their ministry."


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