Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Puerto meeting

There is another Jordan, who lives temporarily with Jordan. He just purchased a motorbike to be able to get to some harder to reach places. He was well used in the territory we worked. If there was a long road that MAY have a house on it, then Jordan boogied up on his bike. Time saver... lots of fun! That's what Carl and I want to get.
So, because this is a pre-group, not all of the meetings are in English. In this case, the talk is in Spanish and the Watchtower Study is in English. However, the speaker was coming from Bugaba and was late, so we had the WT first. And because the group was so large, there were 27 (two local visitors) we had to meet outside. So we quietly take our chairs outside and sit under the portico. Not all of us fit under the portico and it had been thundering all night and morning. So about halfway through the watchtower... the humidity had gotten so so so bad, and it was so so so hot... ( It was really so sticky that I didn't want to touch my Bible. I could see the pages getting damp and my skin was really shimmering with sweat) then the skies opened. So those who were not under the portico had to scramble to move to a place that was more dry. And then after the WT we quietly make our way back inside. We did catch most of the song.

The speaker was wonderful. How do I know? you ask. Because he spoke V E R Y  SL O W L Y. So we could catch some of the words and Carl did very well understanding a lot more. Plus his gestures just helped so much to determine what he was saying. And I have my little dictionary on my little machine, so I could look up some words. However...

.... most of the time the English friends looked like this.
Oh my word. The Spanish friends were so friendly.
I could barely take any pictures after the meeting because they all wanted to hug and kiss us.
And they didn't speak English and we didn't speak Spanish


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